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Suggested Reading

Macs vs PCs >
The Syndey Morning Herald
October 11, 2003

FileMaker vs. Access - A Developers Comparison >

Please use the following links to access articles with information on moving files to recently released FileMaker Pro 7.

FileMaker Tech Brief : Upgrading to FileMaker Pro 7
Migrating Exisiting Solutions >

Additionally, here are some other highly recommended reading materials on the topic:

b) Migration: pages 90-112* of
FileMaker Tech Brief : Upgrading to FileMaker Pro 7
Migration Foundations and Methodologies >

c) Conversion Issues: pages 7-63 of
FileMaker: Converting FileMaker databases
from previous versions >

d) Data Separation: pages 113-128* of
FileMaker Tech Brief : Upgrading to FileMaker Pro 7
Migration Foundations and Methodologies >


*Note that items (b) and (d) are both selections from the same document.